Wednesday 10 May 2017

Treat Glaucoma Before It Is Too Late

Treat Glaucoma Before It Is Too Late.
Alan Leighton discovered he had glaucoma when he noticed a gray square footage of eyesight in his left eye. That was in 1992. "I think about I had it a long time before that, but I didn't know until then," said Leighton, 68, a corporate treasurer who lives in Indianapolis. "Glaucoma is as if that. It's sneaky".

Leighton made an nomination with his ophthalmologist to see what was wrong. "We went for a bunch of tests, and he predetermined there was an issue with that eye, and that I had normal pressure glaucoma".

His response was unsentimental and pragmatic: His forefathers has a history of glaucoma, so the news wasn't a total surprise. "I firm that we needed to take the most proactive methods we could. I would go to the best people I could find and consult what methods they had to address it and keep it from getting worse. I wanted to keep it from affecting my right eye, which was extent clear. I didn't know what the process was going to be to actually stop the glaucoma or trouble it, if it was even possible. I don't know if there was a lot of emotion involved. It was more like, 'Hey, what can we do about this?'".

He asked if there was any means to restore the sight he'd lost, and the answer was no. "They fairly much said that gray area in my left eye was going to stay there, and there was no opening to do any procedures to effectively change that. It had something to do with the optic nerve".

But knowledge experts did begin trying different treatments. Leighton recalls trying various types of eye drops and at one nitty-gritty having laser treatment. "Along the way, I began to get this treatment with these very individual drops, Lumigan and Alphagan P. Those are the two I currently take even to this day. They have, up to this quality anyway, arrested the glaucoma and kept it from spreading. I don't separate how long that will go on, but I know up to now they've been working satisfactorily".

Leighton said that his ghost has held steady for 17 years. The gray area in his left eye hasn't expanded, and his get in touch with lens prescription hasn't changed in 15 years. The only real substitute is that he occasionally needs reading glasses.

But he does go to the eye doctor every four to six months for tests to fathom if any significant change, either positive or negative, has taken place. "I'm sure that if I hadn't had this curing I would not have my sight. These are pretty much miracle drugs, as far as I'm concerned".

Leighton still guts in a job that requires reading and analysis. "I definitely need my vision. I'm common to continue working as long as I live, if I can. Having vision will relieve that happen".

But overall he's pretty sanguine about his situation. "I am hopeful, of course, but I don't differentiate if over long periods of time things can be expected to remain the same. Just aging can exchange things over time. When you get old, you get old and things wear out fav store net. But I'm confident that, from a vision standpoint, I'll be able to maintain this same level of ability".

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